niedziela, 12 października 2014

Warszawa Powiśle / WARSAW /

My dream is to have a bus like this. Welcome to my journey..

Warsaw Powiśle

znaki na ziemi.


bon appetit. <<parisi construzioni>>

//Warsaw// Autumn..

//Warsaw// Hotel Logos. //Rooftop//

//Warsaw// I have lectures behind these windows. //rooftop//

"To ten klocu co go dał nam Stalin" //WARsaw//

cactus <<favourite flower>> //Nature//

National Stadium //WARsaw// <<train>>


"ive been drinkin.."

Nowy budynek ASP pare dni temu oddany do użytku. 
The NEW building Academy of Arts in Warsaw, few days ago put to use.

On the left -> old building Academy of Arts in Warsaw// On the right -> New building Academy of Arts in Warsaw.

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